Senior Profiles

Kal Mota Lopez

Kal is the president of CFTV, VP of Art Club, and is the social media co-manager of Interact Club’s Interactagram.  This is his first year running Varsity Track.  Kal runs the 100 and 200, and competes in the High Jump and Triple Jump.  His favorite is the Triple though because he says the folks that do it are always so encouraging.  His favorite memory of track was the new warmup tradition, talks with Conway, and John Cadden hyping him up in the High Jump.    

After high school Kal plans on attending SUNY New Paltz to become an English teacher.  He would specifically like to thank Dr. Gumble for convincing him to try new events and would like to tell all the underclassmen to try as many events as possible until you find your calling.

Alison Dell
This is Alison’s second year of Varsity Track, but has also competed on the swim and cheer teams at CF.  She has run the 100, 200, 4by1, Long Jump and Triple Jump, but the 200 is her favorite event.  Alison would like to thank her parents, coaches, and friends for always pushing her to be her best and would like to tell the underclassmen to remember not to get too discouraged in the early part of the season next year because speed will come if you put in the work.    

Alison plans on attending Pace University for Health Sciences and in a crushing blow to Coach Groover, she says her favorite venue is Oneonta. 

Brendan Heaney
A Three Time Sectional Champion Swimmer in three different events, this is Brendan’s first year of Track.  He has done the 400, 800, Steeplechase, and Mile, but he prefers the shorter races.  He would like to thank his parents for cheering him on, Coach Groover for the intense and well thought out practices, and his training group of Pipher, Quinn, and Z for all the conversations while running. 

Brendan plans on swimming and studying dietetics at SUNY Oneonta next year and will most miss lying on the turf and laughing with his teammates.    

Pipher Reid 

Pipher Reid has been on Varsity track for five years and has run everything from the 200 to the 3000.  She is on the top ten in every one of those races and is the individual school record holder in four events.  Of all her events though, Pipher says the 1500 is her favorite event because it is always so competitive.  Pipher would like to thank her best running bud Quinnifer and says she couldn’t have done it without you.  She would also like to thank the rest of her running groups throughout the years, the whole team for making this year so much fun, and Groover for everything he has done throughout the years.  

Her favorite memories include Motell getting wrecked by the high jump mat at Golden Bears and racing the DMR at Ithaca Relays in a downpour.  

Pipher is headed to Syracuse University majoring in health and physical education.

Vincent Vavara

Vinny, the VP of the most successful Mock Trial Club in school history, has been on Varsity Track for 4 years and modified for two years.  To the underclassmen he gives this advice: “The best thing you can do is simply show up and try at every practice.  You don’t need to be the best to earn respect.” Vinny does both throws, but prefers the shot put due to its ancient Greek history as a weapon.  

His favorite memories include riding to the Norwich Meet with coach Motell and the other throwers and he would like to thank coach Frazer, SanSev and Paske for helping him improve and enjoy track.  Vinny plans on attending the University of Mississippi and major in accounting.  

Audra Ackerson
Audra has been on Varsity Track for 5 years.  Her favorite track memories include Motell and Lally getting pulverized by the High Jump mat at Golden Bears and when lightning struck the pole during repeat 200s.  Audra has done the 4by8, the 400, the 4by1, the 4by4, and the 400H, but her favorite event is the 4by8 because she loves running with her best friends and accomplishing something together.  The advice she would like to give to the underclassmen is a quote courtesy of Coach Groover: “Let’s go out there and see what we can do…”

Audra would like to thank all her coaches this year: Doc G, Paske and Motell for always rooting for her, plus she would like to give a big thank you to Coach Groove.  He made her the runner she is today and pushed her when she gave him difficulty along the way.  Lastly Audra said, “I would like to thank my distance teammates and running group for being the most supportive and uplifting people…I’ll miss running with you all so much!”

Audra plans to attend Brockport and major in nursing.  

Jay Haqq (Dubbs)
Dubbs, a two time State Champion in football, has been in the Track Program for five years at CF.  He does the Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, 4by1, and the 100, but his favorite event is the Triple Jump in which he currently has the furthest jump in the entire section.  His favorite memory from his years running was when Mary Kupon did not play the cleanest of music for our warmup.    

Dubbs plans on attending a trade school next year and would like to specifically thank LJ Watson, for setting all the records Dubbs has been trying to break. 

Gianna Lawrence
Gianna has run Varsity Track for 5 years and would like to remind the underclassmen to not take Track too seriously and have fun or you will lose your passion for running. She has our school record in the 100H and is second all time in both the Triple Jump and the 400H, but says her favorite event is the Triple Jump. Her best memory of CF Track was when she was abandoned by the whole team during the huge storm at Golden Bears the same day Motell got crushed by the High Jump Mat.

After the season she plans on attending BCC for a year and then transfer once she figures out what she wants to do. Gianna would specifically like to thank Coach Sheehan and Coach Motell for the tough love and pushing her to accomplish so much since 8th grade.


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