Chenango Forks Blue Devils Stadium
A Brief History:
On April 24, 1968 Chenango Forks scored 69.5 points to win their Tri-Meet
against Walton (60.5 points) and Greene (36 points).
This was the first home meet at their new High School
and the location of our current track.
The four lane, 440 Yard oval track,
featured six lanes on its 220 Yard straightaway.
On April 30, 1977 Blue Devils Stadium hosted
its first ever Girls Track Meet as Delhi beat Forks 79 to 35.
Janet Mishoe from CF won the 100 Yard Hurdles
in 18.2 seconds and the high jump at 4 feet 5 inches.
Before the 1981 Season, Coach Tom Bond converted the track
at Blue Devils Stadium to meters well ahead of many schools in the area.
The SUS Championships still ran distance races in yards until 1986.
In 1990, Coach Larry Brooks petitioned and then convinced the
Town of Chenango to widen our track to six lanes all the way around.
On May 8, 2000 Chenango Forks hosted a Dual Meet versus Susquehanna Valley.
This was the first meet on our new all-weather track.
Tex Wilson of SV ran a 14.8 in the 110 Meter Hurdles,
a stadium record that still stands to this day,
while CF’s own Liz Wojcik won the 200 in a time of 27.5
(a record that lasted 16 years).
Not a bad first day without cinders!
Stadium Records
Event Athlete School Year Mark
100 Tyler Hozempa Wind 2018 11.1
Jacey Wilson Bing 2023 11.26
110H Tex Wilson SV 2000 14.8
200 Darren Hall Unatego 1984 22.7
400 Darren Hall Unatego 1984 49.9
400H Jeremy Brauer CF 1991 59.9
800 Dan White CF 2013 1 :58.6
1600 Rich Halstrom CF 1979 4:30.2
3200 Rich Halstrom CF 1979 9:52.8
Shot Richard Crandle Sidney 1968 52’11”
Dis Marc Duquella Seton CC 1993 154’8”
LJ Jerry Myers NV 1968 21’9”
TJ JR Isles SV 2018 44’3”
HJ Nick Tillman SV 2001 6’6”
PV Moss Dengler Ithaca 2022 13’
400 Meter Relay UE 2019 45.43
Zymir Mobley, Nyrese Hart-Gray, Jayshawn Favor, Aaron Davis
800 Meter Relay UE 2019 1:35.49
Zymir Mobley, Nyrese Hart-Gray, Jayshawn Favor, Aaron Davis
1600 Meter Relay CF 1976 3:37.2
Jon Randall, Steve Eddy, Steve Alger,
Bill Bowie
3200 Meter Relay Vestal 2023 8:12.96
Lucas Catarella, Sebastian Coulton, Tim Smith,
Liam Cody
Event Athlete School Year Mark
100 Kennedy Billman S.Jeff 2024 12.74
100H Delaney Walters CV 2024 16.44
200 Victoria Godden CF 2016 27.1
400 Michelle Staiger CF 2006 1:01.4
400H Katie Gronowski Nor 2018 1:07.9
800 Pipher Reid CF 2021 2:18.7
1500 Stephanie Busch CF 1997 4:54.9
3000 Cheryl Smith SV 1997 10:44.5
Shot Brooke Bonney Nor 2013 38’2”
Disc Julie Cruty CF 1999 111’10”
LJ Paige Gill CV 2017 16’11”
TJ Gianna Lawrence CF 2022 35’5”
HJ Victoria Godden CF 2015 5’3”
PV Carly Jaggar CF 2007 9’6”
400 Meter Relay Bing 2023 51.72
Cormari Wachuku, Deanna Agyapong, Mikayla Amar-Ward, Amiah Brissett
800 Meter Relay Bing 2023 1:48.11
Cormari Wachuku, Khala Gray-Motto, Audrey Dure, Amiah Brissett
1600 Meter Relay Seton 1991 4:23.7
Daniela Lalor, Chrissy Margherio, Coleen Vasile, Chandice Trudeaux
3200 Meter Relay CF 2009 10:14.5
Michelle Staiger, Kristen Brooks, Sarah Krizan,
Marissa Walsh