Chenango Forks Track and Field
Hall of Fame

Dale Hubbard

(Class of 1971)

School Record in Triple Jump
Sixth in 100 Yard Dash

Class Champion: Triple Jump (1970)

Some of our Hall of Famers were born into their role.  Not that they didn't work hard, but you knew from an early age that they were going to be special… And then there is a group of Hall of Famers that seemingly came out of nowhere.  Not that they didn't work equally hard, but they just kind of miraculously appeared   Dale Hebbard absolutely fits into that latter group. 

Hebbard only ran one year of Varsity track.  But in that one year he was able to master one of the most awkward of all Track events: the Triple Jump.  Despite limited training and limited meets, Dale managed to win the Class B Championship and set our School Record in the event, becoming the first Forker to leap past 42 feet.  Fifty years later, Hebbard still is ranked as our Third Best Triple Jumper in history and is only three inches from still having the record!  To go along with his Triple Jumping accomplishments, Dale was also extremely fast, finishing second in the Class Meet in the 100 Yard Dash and still ranking as one of the Top Ten Fastest Sprinters in School History.